How women are faring, Migrant Tragedies in Israel and Russia, How media workers fared under Modi govt.
Leave WTO over MSP issue farmers tell govt, Kunal Kamra's music video on gig workers, Bengal's Jute Mills run on the labour of zero number of workers
P Sainath's critique, Religious minorities see sharper loss of regular wage jobs, Delhi's factory fires, significant court judgements.
Are farmers being anti-farmer, jobless youth lured into spraying pro-Khalistan graffiti, Sikkim restores old pension scheme,contract labour increases.
Sugarcane Workers Of Gujarat, When two livelihoods collide, Employment News, Lip service for farmers in the Budget,
Advisories to private sector on women employees, Net zero gain for MGNREGA, Job losses and gains, Karnataka announces OPS for 13K employees.
100 Indian start ups axe 24K jobs, Anganwadi worker strike in Andhra Pradesh yields results, Rural wages are in decline.
Budget 2024 considering social security for domestic workers, ESIC may extend medical benefits to gig workers, Ram Mandir brings jobs to Ayodhya.
Advent of AI, India’s first Agniveers, Labour economy in '23, First state law for gig workers, Migrant realities.
SC judgements on workers, Battles Won, How women fared in the workforce, Wages remained meagre, Child Labour report